Test Type Test Result
Determined Bandwidth
Real-time Communication
Live Q&A

If you are participating in Live Q&A, please test your devices here:

Test my devices
Why can't I hear the test sound?

Safari and Firefox have known issues that prevent these browsers from listing audio output devices. Additionally, Chrome and Firefox on iOS experience similar problems. Please ensure you select the correct audio output device in your device settings or consider trying a different browser or device.

Why does the Live Q&A Test fail?

There are several reasons why the test may fail. If you encounter issues, please share the following information with your IT department:

  1. Website access to your devices: Ensure that the website has permission to access your devices. You may want to try a different browser.
  2. Network or firewall restrictions: If you are in an environment with a restrictive network, use the following information to configure your firewall whitelist appropriately:
    Domain Subnet Ports
    *.chime.aws TCP:443
    *.amazonaws.com TCP:443
    *.sdkassets.chime.aws TCP:443
Where can I change my devices used for Live Q&A?

Once you are in the Q&A queue, you can change your devices in the Settings tab.

Why can’t I hear anything, after being connected to the Q&A queue?

Please ensure that the volume is not muted and that you have selected the correct device. You can change the selected speakers in the Settings tab.

How can I connect to Live Q&A?

If Live Q&A is enabled for the webcast and you have the appropriate permissions, you will find the “Live Q&A” button below the video or speaker images.

  1. Click the “Live Q&A” button.
  2. Grant the website (webcast-eqs.com) access to your devices.
  3. Select your preferred devices and click “Save & add me to the queue.”

Your microphone will be automatically unmuted as soon as the moderator opens your line.

Important: Please run the Live Q&A Test in advance to ensure a smooth process.

More Information:
System requirements
A wired connection is recommended. The bandwidth should be at least 480 kb/s
Operating System
All common operating systems
Google Chrome (Desktop & Android), Mozilla Firefox (Desktop & Android), Safari, Opera (Desktop & Android), Microsoft Edge, Chrome OS, Firefox OS, iOS (Mobile Safari)
soundcard or speakers/headphones
Media Player
The following domains are required for the webcast and may not be blocked by a firewall: *.webcast-eqs.com, *.eqs.com, *.eqs-asia.cn, *.pusher.com, *.live-video.net, *.wowza.com, *.millicast.com, *.twilio.com, *.chime.aws, *.amazonaws.com, *.sdkassets.chime.aws. For more details please check the network requirements below.
Network requirements
The following domains are required for the webcast and may not be blocked by a firewall: *.webcast-eqs.com, *.eqs.com, *.eqs-asia.cn, *.pusher.com, *.live-video.net, *.wowza.com, *.millicast.com, *.twilio.com, *.chime.aws, *.amazonaws.com, *.sdkassets.chime.aws.
For more details, please check the tables below.
Live Q&A:
Domains Subnet Port/Type







For Live Q&A, you must open the above-mentioned ports. Please test your network here: https://www.webcast-eqs.com/conference-test
Real-time Streaming:
Domains Port/Type

TCP: 443


TCP: 443 (WebRTC Connection)

UDP: 3478, 5349 (WebRTC Media Server)

UDP: 49152-65535 (STUN/TURN Servers)


TCP: 443

UDP: 3478, 5349

UDP: 10,000 - 60,000


TCP: 443

UDP: 8000, 8080, 8800, 843, 443, 16285

For media traffic, you must open the above-mentioned ports to all traffic. Please test your network here: https://networktest.twilio.com/
Domains Port/Type

TCP: 80, 443 (HTTPS and Websockets)


TCP: 443 (HTTPS)


TCP: 443 (HTTPS)


TCP: 80, 443 (HTTPS and WebRTC)


TCP: 80, 443 (HTTPS and Websockets)